Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Alcoholic - Beau

It started out as a way to be accepted
I guess I had a confidence issue, but didn't address it
I was fine until puberty hit, then things changed
Peers surpassed me physically while I stayed the same

I was used to being the best, but then I changed schools
My lack of self confidence was likely the fuel
Going from amazing to average probably fed the flame
Going from 200 students to 2,000 made me feel plain

So I decided I'd stand out in the easiest way
By drinking before class every single day
And exaggerate the extent of my inebriation
Not realising my alcoholism was becoming nascent

Now, 11 years later, I can't wake up without being sick
I need a drink to not puke; miserable, isn't it?
If you think you have a drinking problem, sort it before you're fucked 
And I can fix my problem, but it starts with me waking up

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