Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Concrete Surf - Michelle Goodwin

Can we find peace on the sea?
Not if we are stuck in this concrete mindset.. a shift in attitude and outlook is a possible positive change huh? I don't want to tell you what to do .. just maybe think about it :)

My friend sent me a beautiful letter once saying that most wipeouts are invigorating energy baths that offer us opportunities to beat fear in a confrontational situation.
Love your wipeouts....with kindness... its not about being reckless but recognising you're safe.. and trusting in the situation. Enjoy the messy side of the wave ..

Freedom from doubt is connected with humour, joy and celebration... if you trust the situation you can afford to smile. Trust brings you gentleness, doubtlessness and relaxation.
Which then allows us to be open to let go and experience the whole ocean ..so we are not just banging against the concrete! We want to avoid this concrete surf.. stuck not going anywhere...

If you have any doubt that you are surfing right or wrong, it doesn't matter. the main point is to have honesty in yourself. doing what you feel is best... this is self trust.


  1. I really enjoyed this Michelle, it's got a real honesty to it.

  2. Good stuff! Enjoyed it!
