The Eurythmics played out through the clubs 40,000 watt soundsystem. Sam turned round to look up to DJ booth and gave a sneer in the dj's direction.
"It's like its the fucking eighties again" Jordan said, picking up on sams unimpressed vibe.
"This is rubbish, lets go get smashed in the toilet" Sam pretty much mouthed, so lazy to even amplify his voice to an audible level. It looked like he was singing to the song being played, such was the syncronicity of his lips to the sounds, but for the little thumb point towards the bog's that clarified the communication.
"Freshen up, Smell Good For the Ladies" the african perfume vendor announced each word as a new sentance more important than the last. The pair wandered around the toilet to the cubicles hidden from eyes, Pulling out a plastic bag each they emptied some of the contents of each one onto the plastic toilet seat, mixing the contents together.
"It's like an oxymoron of chemicals really, Md and k." whispered Jordan to his compadre.
"Do you get the feeling were waisting our time with all these drugs?" Sam pondered aloud not really seeking an answer.
" Well, the more you do it the less you enjoy it, but when you enjoy somehting you want to do it more often, it's a bit of a paradox." Jordan perked up on the cusp of narcotic inhalation.
"Thats not a paradox" Sam injected into the conversation "A paradox is a statement that contradicts itself"
"Whats the difference between what I said and what you said" Jordan asked in genuine intrigue.
"Words and meaning" Sam replied.
"Your a prick" Jordan snapped, "we come out to have a good time, but your a miserable bastard. you say the only reason you come out is to hook up but you never speak to anyone, you just spend all your time hoovering up drugs that you spend all your wages from a job you hate that you say your only there to save up money and travel but, thinking about it, your whole life is a paradox"
"I know, thats why im so miserable" sam said, smiling.
"What are you smiling at?"
"It feels good to be understood, you just pretty much summed up my life, thankyou"
Not knowing what to say and feeling a bit uneasy, Jordan finished mixing the chemicals together and seperated them into two neat rows. Sam rolled up a fiver and lowered his head into the same area of space many mans balls have been before. a small Phthirus pubis began running along the note. spurred on by the strange white snow that landed on it, it was halfway up the note when it was sucked towards the black hole infront of it, before being exploded back out down the note and into the snow it had came from at a force of a hundred and fifty miles an hour.
"Well, done dickhead" Jordan said in a montone to hide how much he cared his drugs just got blown away.
"I couldn't help sneezing. Maybe its a good thing, the universe telling us not to do drugs" Sam offered as an antidote to the waste he just caused.
"Maybe its incidents like this thats fuelling the drug market. Think how much more demand for powders there would be if it were all lightly laced with white pepper"
"Freshen up" The african advised.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Paradox - Jow Bates
Sleep woke him to deafening silence, he closed tight his eyes to better see the well-lit darkness of his waking dreams. Time stopped as each second passed and the abstract ether of being merged holistically with singularity. His existential self-awareness embracing the singular importance of his own post mortem life.
All this, gone.
He couldn't possibly write, he didn't have it in him.
There's nothing else here.
Paradox - CammyWhite
"Freedom is slavery."
George Orwell
He got up in the morning, as he did every weekday, at exactly 6am when his alarm goes off.
He spends 30 minutes in his home gym, showers and dresses in his nicely ironed designer suit teamed with a brightly coloured tie and some new shiney black shoes.
He goes downstairs to his kitchen where he fixes himself a coffee with his cafitiere and reads over the newspaper whilst eating a healthy, organic breakfast.
Before he leaves he uses his ipad to check his e-mails and confirm the delivery date for the 3D TV he ordered last week.
At exactly 7.35 he leaves instructions for his housekeeper, sets the alarm and leaves for work.
He starts his new Auldi A5 and pulls out whilst making a mental note that the lawn needed mowing.
The drive to work takes 60 minutes due to the ammount of traffic on the road. He spends his driving listening to various of his CD's and taking calls from work on his hands free phone.
Once he gets to the office he has another coffee and then the day beginnings with a big meeting.
The day continues in a busy fashion, presentations, meetings, paperwork, adding numbers to column A and subtracting numbers from column B.
At 12.15 he takes a 30 minute break and spends the time ina near by cafe where he drinks expresso's, laughs with his colleages and eats a goats cheese and rocket bagel.
After his lunch he returns to work until 7pm, later than he'd like to stay but the extra money always helped!
He and a couple of other pop to a local wine bar for a a quick drink before he heads home.
He arrives back at 8.30pm and sits down to watch a film with a couple of beers before getting an early night in order to be ready for another busy day!
George Orwell
He got up in the morning, as he did every weekday, at exactly 6am when his alarm goes off.
He spends 30 minutes in his home gym, showers and dresses in his nicely ironed designer suit teamed with a brightly coloured tie and some new shiney black shoes.
He goes downstairs to his kitchen where he fixes himself a coffee with his cafitiere and reads over the newspaper whilst eating a healthy, organic breakfast.
Before he leaves he uses his ipad to check his e-mails and confirm the delivery date for the 3D TV he ordered last week.
At exactly 7.35 he leaves instructions for his housekeeper, sets the alarm and leaves for work.
He starts his new Auldi A5 and pulls out whilst making a mental note that the lawn needed mowing.
The drive to work takes 60 minutes due to the ammount of traffic on the road. He spends his driving listening to various of his CD's and taking calls from work on his hands free phone.
Once he gets to the office he has another coffee and then the day beginnings with a big meeting.
The day continues in a busy fashion, presentations, meetings, paperwork, adding numbers to column A and subtracting numbers from column B.
At 12.15 he takes a 30 minute break and spends the time ina near by cafe where he drinks expresso's, laughs with his colleages and eats a goats cheese and rocket bagel.
After his lunch he returns to work until 7pm, later than he'd like to stay but the extra money always helped!
He and a couple of other pop to a local wine bar for a a quick drink before he heads home.
He arrives back at 8.30pm and sits down to watch a film with a couple of beers before getting an early night in order to be ready for another busy day!
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