Fame and gold was promised to those that came out victorious, but that seemed little reward when death was the only other option.
The word flashed up on screen.
This was the moment that would define us all.
The creature lept towards at a group of civilians, he was too quick for them to draw their weapons and the creature swallowed them up in a sea of sludge. Screams erupted as people begun to flee. The young boy next to me fired his cross bow at it. It was a direct hit, and on impact, the creature reduced to nothing more than a puddle on the ground. A smirk fell across the young boys face and looks of bewilderment on others as they began to consider that the young boy had defeated the monster that had been terrorising this town for years. People slowly but surely, begun to approach what was left of the creature on the ground.
The ground began to shake violently. The black puddle sitting on the coloured pavement erupted into a volcanic mass. Then everything went black.