Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Coaster - Dogmatix

In Hamlet Act 2, scene 2, Shakespeare wrote “Brevity is the soul of wit”, ironically it’s hard to define this quote succinctly, but I guess it boils down to this -
keep things simple.


It’s hard for me to envisage my own transiency, and I’ve struggled to comprehend it when people say “Live fast, die young”, “I’m here for a good time, not a long time” or “I hope I die before I get old”. I prefer Morgan Freeman’s line from the end of Shawshank Redemption -
get busy livin’ or get busy dyin’.

I don’t know about you, but I’m not immortal and so far I’ve failed to keep things simple, I’ve yet to get busy livin’ or get busy dyin’ and I don’t put my glass on a coaster, but I’ve got plenty of time left.

Eyes open slowly
Early morning footsteps heard
Cup’s on the coaster

Coaster - Fargo

DAY 65
Its easy to say things are simple in life, but as we are aware this is not the case. Im missing you with all my heart, its been a long while since I have seen you now, but it feels like forever, and its still three months until I can touch your smooth skin and run my fingers through your hair.
Today was a long day, a suicide bomber went into a local small town just outside of Basra and killed four of the locals and two American soldiers It was tough, and as I write this I can hear shooting in the far distance, at any minute I could get called away, I‘m not ready for this and I thought I was I just want you in my arms so I could hold you tight. I hope the girls are ok and I can‘t wait to see them again, It‘s hard to believe their going to be one this summer, I miss them and I miss you.

DAY 70
I received your package today my sweet, thanks for all my packets of my favourite chewing gum, and the metal coaster with the photo of you and the girls printed on it, its by my bed so I can look at it all the time and keep in my shirt pocket when I’m out patrolling . I hope my parents have been helping out with everything if not let me know and I will get on their case for you.
The good news is there has been no deaths in the last 5 days everything has been going well, and as I promised I have been in the gym at any given opportunity, my belly boo size has diminished somewhat since I last saw you, so I hope your happy with the result when you see me. When its late at night and im lying here alone I get the slightest smell of your hair and I can feel you next to me, it brings me so much comfort but at the same time make me feel more alone then I have ever been. I hope time goes more quickly over the coming days. I love you Lisa.

DAY 90
I’m so sorry I haven’t written to you for so long, you are never going to believe what happened. But before I begin let me tell you I will be home in two weeks from when you receive this letter. I was out patrolling the last week, and everything was as it normally is, hot, boring and tedious conversation. Then out of nowhere open fire, we couldn’t see where it was coming from, so we ducked and jumped to the nearest shelter which happened to be an empty burnt out car, we crouched down. Terry, next to me was peered out to the left of the car and the shooting continued, I got to tell you babe I have never been so scared. I couldn’t see where our other men were so it was me and Terry sitting next to the burnt car, and we could hear gun shot hitting the metal of the car, then the shooting stopped suddenly, so I slowly to the left of the car peered my head out to see where it was coming from then a shot went straight past my ear with a buzzing whisper, I got my head back behind the car quickly. Terry then noticed to his right in an empty building were the other members of our squad, so without any hesitation he ran out into open fire and began shooting in the direction of the gunfire, and made it to building. They were all gesticulating violently for me to move quickly, they did the super army sign language that you love so much to tell me there were only two of them in the high building to the north of the car, I waited for only a minute but it seemed an ice age. Without telling me my legs jumped up and before my brain realised I was shooting in the high building then out of nowhere darkness…..
I woke just two days ago with a head bandage and also one around my chest area. Before I could even fathom what the fuck was going on Terry was sitting next to me, and told me I had just gotten shot in the head thankfully it only skimmed me and put me into a temporary coma. Before you start worrying I’m fine it was only enough to knock me out for a few days but the miracle is this, I got shot straight in the chest near my heart, but what saved me was the coaster of you and the girls, the bullet only did enough to bruise me, and my darling it earnt me an early ticket home, I can't wait I love you so much you saved my life in so many ways. See you soon. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Coaster - D'oh

The coaster absorbed most of the condensation running from the pint of beer that he’d been nursing for over an hour. He couldn’t bring himself to enjoy it. Sitting alone at an empty bar, it felt a little selfish of him to be celebrating with a drink.
“But surely the fact that I’m still here is due for celebration itself…surely.” He tried to convince himself. That didn’t lighten his mood at all.

He took another sip of his beer, “uuurghh” he muttered. Nothing worst than lukewarm beer. Instead of pouring it out like he’d usually do, he found himself considering the implications of the situation.
“The beer here won’t last, better not waste it” he thought to himself and downed the rest of the drink even though his enjoyment of the beverage had long expired. He’d never planned anything ahead before. He’d always had his girlfriend to do that for him, and before her, his mum.

The thought of his loved ones only made him more sick, which made him want another drink. But the thought of drinking alone made him depressed. It was a no win situation. All he could think about now were the last words he ever said to them and if it was enough. Enough for them to know how much he loved them.

He poured himself another drink and placed it on the already saturated coaster. 

Coaster - Philip Charles

His steady grasp onto what was once his seemed to fade along with the whisper of belonging, yet still he continued to recite the words, this time under muffled breath as to avoid arousing further suspicion from conspecifics. The words didn’t matter anymore. This was obvious, particularly by the cold, fixated stare from beyond the broken, worn spectacles in which light was invading from a window in a nearby corner. Anticipation within retreated from whence it came revealing a hollow core of disbelief. “It had to be now” he said. “It just had to be now”. His head sunk deep into his shoulders as his feet dragged longingly across the dusty floor. He re-took his seat and leaned gently over a glass of water. He didn’t put it there. Perplexed, he ignored it for a moment until without thought he clasped it in his hands and raised it high, thrusting it towards the light. As he did so the coaster upon which it sat came too, revealing a dark stain on the table on which it once rested. “It’s worked” he exalted, oblivious to the gentlemen sitting across from him.

Coaster - Michelle Goodwin

Slurrrp... Bang!... the mug hits the table again that damn goood green hippy tea splashes over the edge..straight on to the cloth with toast crumbs too... if only i used a tray and a coaster, would my life be any easier?! Siiigh as i sit with my pen and pad i look onto the moors which this house overlooks, life really is a roller coaster of action.. and no action sometimes it seems. It takes any fool to make life difficult.. it takes a genius to make it simple..thats what my Nan used to say...

Coaster - Scott French

Before Mugs times were hard for the coaster making companies.

Coaster - Jow Bates

Down icy glass cliffs
Tread Poseidon's wayward souls
Rest on dampened coast

"Is there any way you could please not rip up my beermats?" Asked James, politely.

"Ah shit." Replied Adam, sweeping the torn debris into a manageable pile of concentrated mess.

"I don't really see the point of beermats to be honest mate." - He continued in a less than apologetic manner.

"Well the basic premiss of them is that you don't fuck up my tables."

"Ah, lesson learned."

Adam turned to the table behind him and addressed the young couple, both sporting tight jeans and expensive haircuts.

"Excuse me, can I have your beermats?" He enquired.

There was no response, but as drinks lay bathing in pooled condensation while coasters had been swept to one side in a display of abject disregard, Adam helped himself to both. 

"You shouldn't leave your drinks like that." He added.

"Fucks up the table."

James conceded a look of hopelessness before attending to his drink, now perched on cardboard plinth.

"I've only got about 10 more minutes mate." He ascribed to Adam, who was wiping a mixture of watery residue and rolling tobacco from the table.

"No worries mate."

"I'mma roll a cigarette before I get back to work though."

James then effected towards a packet of Golden Virginia that was half stuck to the once pluvious table. Adam unravelled his discarded jacket to retrieve a worn packet of Drum in union with James.

"You got any Rizla's mate?"

"Aye." Replied James.

The papers in question lay face down on the table and as James unstuck the packet, sodden Rizla remained clinging to aqueous tabletop in mute defiance, a concertina of dismayed skins exploded in outward connection between the two.

"Ah fuckbandits."