Sunday, June 19, 2011

Blow - Rowan James

You huff and you puff
Till you’re stuck on the ruff
Then tripped on a tuff

You blag and you bluff
Selling blow to a blow worm’s..
Got to be tough

Blow away your money 
Blow to get money 
Sucking on corporate honey

Give it ago try to be funny 
Put blow up your nose
Till you think you‘re Al Murray

Blow - Philip Farmer Banham

The wind doth blow in a north westerly fashion. Let's go fish.

Blow - Beau

I guess you had problems, but everyone does
Petty issues are no reason to withhold one's love
Looking back at the past, thinking of what once was
Gets me a little teary eyed because

Just like me, your hair was white as snow
The same colour as the shit that did you in: blow
Today is Fathers Day, and I want you to know
That I'll always love you, Dad. Sincerely, Beau

Blow - Butters

Blow. Suddenly;
